I would love to say that we rocked the house to multiple standing ovations. But we didn't. The AMP guys delivered a solid B+/A- performance while Dennis and I were probably C/C+.
However, the biggest thing I got away from this event was how different it was to talk to a small group of 6 or so people, versus a big group of 50. In particular, Decker highlighted that I seemed to shrink inside myself when I get nervous. On the plus side, he also mentioned that I projected a very good vibe towards the audience, that I really cared that they understood what I was talking about.
So it's just a case of practice practice practice. Dennis and I should have made more effort to solidify what we were talking about. Even though we have delivered the same material hundreds of times already, we had never delivered it to a big audience. And that made the world of difference.
All in all, I'm grateful for the opportunity and the honor, and I'm very glad that it has shone a spotlight on areas of growth that I can focus on.
Hi Derek, keep it up my friend! You've got what it takes!
"You have learned something. That always feels at first as if you had lost something." ~H.G. Wells
hey i missed this post; on 'public speaking', hang in there - be glad you at least don't have my problem of sweating profusely if i even SENSE that the crowd aint' interested(!).
and you're right: practice practice practice practice ad infinitum...:)
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