Friday, May 11, 2007

Stanford - Areas of Growth?

I would love to say that we rocked the house to multiple standing ovations. But we didn't. The AMP guys delivered a solid B+/A- performance while Dennis and I were probably C/C+.

However, the biggest thing I got away from this event was how different it was to talk to a small group of 6 or so people, versus a big group of 50. In particular, Decker highlighted that I seemed to shrink inside myself when I get nervous. On the plus side, he also mentioned that I projected a very good vibe towards the audience, that I really cared that they understood what I was talking about.

So it's just a case of practice practice practice. Dennis and I should have made more effort to solidify what we were talking about. Even though we have delivered the same material hundreds of times already, we had never delivered it to a big audience. And that made the world of difference.

All in all, I'm grateful for the opportunity and the honor, and I'm very glad that it has shone a spotlight on areas of growth that I can focus on.


Novi said...

Hi Derek, keep it up my friend! You've got what it takes!
"You have learned something. That always feels at first as if you had lost something." ~H.G. Wells

Anonymous said...

hey i missed this post; on 'public speaking', hang in there - be glad you at least don't have my problem of sweating profusely if i even SENSE that the crowd aint' interested(!).

and you're right: practice practice practice practice ad infinitum...:)