Friday, July 29, 2005

Roz in US

Roz is visiting me next week. That is SO COOL! I've been inviting her to visit me for close to ten years, and she's finally getting her butt to Cali. Pretty damn awesome!!!!!

Places to bring her, things to do...
  • Santa Cruz, Monterey, Carmel
  • Napa
  • SF - Ghirardelli Sq, Union Sq, Golden Gate, probably will do SF over a couple of days?
  • Karaoke
  • Santana Row
  • Clubbing
  • Gilroy
  • Music in the park
  • Chinese food at Brokaw (ha ha ha, I bet she's deprived!!)
  • Dimsum
  • Penang Village
  • what else...?
  • Tuesday, July 26, 2005

    Girls about guys

    This occurred while I was chatting with two friends online today. Totally separate conversations. Two contrasting viewpoints...

    In one corner, we have the eternal optimist
    SK: Met a new boy.
    SK: Out with the old and in with the new.

    And in the other corner, the proverbial glass-half-empty
    MT: I'm boring. and I lost faith in men
    MT: don't know. just don't trust men, no interest
    MT: sometime I think it's better off w/o one

    And Derek says...
    DL: I swear girls are weird

    Monday, July 25, 2005

    Texas cycling machine - Lance

    The man is a freakin' machine... 7 Tour de France victories after surviving testicular cancer. Congrats dude! You're absolutely amazing!

    Sunday, July 24, 2005

    Loss of a friend of a friend

    SK's friend died last Wed. She was 24. I never knew her.

    She was riding when she lost control, hit the guard rail at 67 mph, and broke her neck and spine. The details of the accident are not important. What's important? I don't even know.

    SK was saying, this is not how your friends are supposed to go. We're supposed to grow old and grey and die of natural causes when you have wrinkles and liver spots and arthritis.

    It's so senseless. 24 years old. Life snuffed out in the split second it takes to lose control of your bike, in the split second it takes to shatter your bones. Everything changes in that one blink of an eye.

    Life is so short, so fragile. Blink and it's over.

    SK, I'd give you a hug if you were here...

    Monday, July 18, 2005

    My big fat dumbass loan agent

    My dumbass loan agent keeps insisting that money in a stocks account does not qualify as liquid cash. I hate the hoops she makes me jump through. I hate her inefficiency. I hate her dawdling around. She sucks.

    If you want to know who she is, drop me an email.

    [Update 7/19] So I liquidated my stocks last night so that I could have some liquid cash in my account just to satisfy her. And guess what, the stocks I was holding JUMP up 3.5% today. If I hadn't sold, I would've made an additional 1k or so. I hate her.

    Sunday, July 17, 2005

    Matcha green tea

    Quick Jamba Juice lunch recipe:
    1 x Power Matcha Green Tea Blast
    1 x Honey Berry Bran

    It's the current fad. It's MY current fad. Damn yummy!!

    Monday, July 11, 2005

    New toy of the day

    I'm in love with Trillian. I use all of the IMs around - Yahoo, MSN, ICQ, AIM, you name it, I got it. So I'm a geek. We already know that. Well, the coolest thing is that Trillian lets me play on all my IMs and let's me do that without installing a gazillion IM programs... One for AIM, one for Yahoo, one for... None of that crap! One program, every IM. Yeah, that's sweet!


    I've been on a peach binge lately. 5 white peaches in 3 days. So what's the deal? Well, I bought them for a BBQ, for dessert, but we never got around to cutting and eating them, so well, I ended up eating them myself. And once I ate the first one, I just couldn't stop... :)

    Reconnecting with old times

    I haven't seen Lester in years. I think the last time I saw him was in... oh... 1992? 93? Well, after relentlessly searching google for quite a long time (as in since 2000 or so), I finally found an ICQ number that might belong to him. I added that ICQ number to my buddy list, and started hoping he would turn up online.

    I waited.
    And waited.
    He never showed up online.

    Tonight, I was going to bed when I decided to check my email one last time before hitting the sack. And there, on my ICQ list, was his name. Immediately, I messaged him:

    [0249] DL: hello, anyone home?
    [0253] LC: who is this?
    [0253] DL: Derek. Are you from Catholic High?
    [0253] DL: Or rather, were you...?
    [0254] LC: omg u managed to find me!!!!
    [0254] DL: OMFG
    [0254] LC: so mr lau
    [0254] DL: You don't know how long I have tried to find you!
    [0254] LC: omfg indeed

    Amazing... Simply fucking amazing. I haven't talked to him for a decade. I... I can hardly believe it.

    Sunday, July 10, 2005

    Hunting for a new cellphone

    What do I want?
    Mucho free minutes
    Free (or cheap) cellphone
    Camera phone
    Bluetooth and/or IR would be nice
    Ability to sync with Outlook address book
    Mucho free SMS