Sunday, January 01, 2006

Welcome '06

I want to write something about how crazy the weekend was, with Bruce and Evan both here from LA. I want to write about hanging out with them, going to the bars, getting coffee etc.

But instead, I keep remembering the fireworks. It was 12.15 or so. I was outside the club. There were maybe 30 or 40 people on the street just watching the fireworks light up the brand new 2006 sky. I was leaning against a tree, feeling kinda cold cos I was a little underdressed.

As I watched the fireworks, I felt an intense sadness, the kind of sadness that just grabs at your heart, and you feel this wrenching feeling inside you. And in the middle of the cold dark new year night, I started to tear. I don't know why I was sad. There wasn't anything on my mind. I wasn't drunk. I just felt really really sad.

A few minutes later, the fireworks ended and the sadness was gone as abruptly as it had come.

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