Sunday, September 06, 2009

What I'm Here For

I was talking to this dude at Burning Man. He wasn't very much fun, kinda one track mind in his conversational ability. But he did say something that made me think. He said, I lived in the Mojave desert for years and I'm not here for the art or the parties, I just come to take care of people (from dehydration etc).

Made me think... What am I here for?

I'm not here for the art. The art is cool and all, but I'm not a super artsy kinda guy, and art 24x7 is a little much.

I'm not here for the alcohol or the parties. I drink less in a week at Burning Man than I do on a normal weekend night.

I'm here for the people. I'm here for the awesome sense of humanity that pervades the place. The sense that you're all just connected, and everyone is your friend, your brother, your sister.

My second burn had less of an immediate impact than my first. But it did give me more clarity about what I want, and that can't possibly be anything less than a great thing!

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