Tuesday, February 06, 2007


I learned the concept of "framing" yesterday, how to capture a snapshot in time based on what you experience (see, hear, feel etc) and describing that feeling. I was supposed to be working but I simply couldn't find it in myself to do any work, so instead, I ended up writing some random stuff that I'm now posting to my blog.

Guy in red sweater with his silvery headphones reaching for a magazine in the top rack

Rustling sound of paper bag as a girl walks by

spacing out and feeling a flush on my cheek from leaning my head on my hands. Amusement.

A girl in white talking to her friend, she reminds me of Christelle. Wistfulness.

An old woman, hunched, blue shawl over her head, walking across the street

Blonde wavy hair hidden beneathe a grey cap walking by... confident stride. I wonder if she's that german girl before I remember that the german girl was a brunette

Some kinda iced coffee drink, white whipped cream topped with chocolate sprinkles and a drizzle of chocolate sauce

A golden hair band tying up her hair in a super-short pony tail

Chuckling, laughter, between two friends. A faint whiff of happiness.

A scrap of cloth on one of the chairs... I wonder if the chair is still taken or if someone forgot it. What is it anyway?!

The familiar buzz of a headache that is just beginning to announce its arrival. Resignation.

The cry of a fire engine in the distance. I wonder where.

A girl browsing the magazine racks, back towards me. Her hair looks - a black waterfall cascading down her back - and I'm wondering how she looks.

Nice shoes. Flats. Gray and white at the tip, some kind of design that I couldn't make out. And sheer black stockings. Sexy. Stockings are sexy.

A guy speaking on the cellphone in a foreign language. I don't recognize it. He looks african, so maybe...?

Two well dressed women - one blonde, one brunette, both dressed in dark (brown?) coats. The brunette is shorter but there's something about the way she walks that makes me think she's the more dominant friend.

The old lady from before (blue shawl) just walked in. I find mysefl curious what's her story. As I watch her more, I feel sad that she is old. I wonder what her life is like - she probably lived a very interesting life. She doesn't look happy. She doesn't look sad either. She looks... a little angry perhaps? Maybe she's lived a hard life. And I feel sad when I look at her and I wonder what mum and dad will be like in the future. What will they be like?

I need to pee... But I'm worried someone will grab my laptop like what happened to Bryan. I look around to find someone to watch the laptop for me. At the same time, I am hoping that "someone" will be a pretty girl. I don't see any pretty girls, so I decide to wait it out. Superficial aren't I? :)

I notice that the more I sit and watch and write, the more easily thoughts are flowing and the more freely the words appear. This is actually kinda cool.

A guy on his computer using photoshop. He has a photoshop CS for digital photographers book. THe photo reminds me of a penis. It's probably something really innocent like a fruit or something. Freud would say I'm imposing my need for sex on what I see.

I really need to pee now. Pretty girl or not, I need to find someone to watch my stuff. I shouldn't have drank so much tea. :(

I'm back at my laptop now, but for whatever reason, the urge to write is over.


Anonymous said...

is this NLP stuff?

Derek L. said...

No, this isn't "framing" in the NLP sense. It's "framing" in the sense that you are "framing" a picture, or in this case, a moment in time.