Wednesday, January 31, 2007


No, not me. Not yet at least. But Carrie is getting married to Emre on Friday, February 9th at SF City Hall in a civil ceremony. Carrie has been a great big sister to me, and I wish her and Emre all the best in the years ahead! Oooohhhh... this is soooooooo coooooooooooool!!!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Up till 5.30am last night working. I hope that's not a foreshadowing of how the week is going to be. Last week was awesome. Slacked off at work, had a few good dates, had a restful weekend. Please please please don't let this week be the polar opposite!

On the plus side, I've made a decision regarding my diet...
1) reduce carbs - carbs make me feel bloated
2) reduce dessert - dessert only on weekends, and that includes coffee and milkshakes

Friday, January 26, 2007

The sexiest thing

My friend Amj and I were walking up the stairs to another friend's house. In front of us were two female friends Shelly and Shana. Amj joked that we were having a great view of the girls. Shelly cracked up laughing. Shana just said, oh really? And she slooooooowed down her walking pace and just sashayed, making sure her butt was swaying gently right in front of our faces.

So what's the sexiest thing? A woman who is so in tune and comfortable with her sexuality!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


This is going to be one of those surface-level-yet-deep posts where I try to condense a bunch of thoughts into one blog post. It never quite works out the way I intend, but what the heck right?

Amy said that I'm getting more spiritual as I meander down this journey that started with me asking myself, "How do I meet women?". It's a crazy rabbit hole, and every time I dig, I find that it only goes deeper.

I met a guy, Gary. Gary is the security guard in my apartment building. He is 60, bald, asian, overweight, works 2 jobs (security guard and cleaner) and is divorced. I've walked past Gary a hundred times or more. But on Thursday, it was different. I talked, REALLY TALKED, to him. I found out that he was a healer with a zillion years of experience in "alternative medicine". He had spent years working with native american shamans, learning energy work, etc. We talked. I had to run off for a house party, but I knew I had to talk more to him. So when I got home that night, I changed into my sweats and went down to the security desk. And we talked and talked and talked till the sun rose and Gary had to head off for his next job. It's amazing because when I'm on this journey, it's like the universe is herding me towards some destination and providing me with all the people I need to succeed on this journey. Synchronicity indeed!

I met a masseuse Haemin. Without going into too much detail, I'll just say that she lovingly ripped me to bits. Why not? Because I'm still trying to process the stuff that we talked about.

A pair of my friends are going through some tough times in their relationship. The girl P is very emotional. When she gets into one of her "moods", she just goes on and on about something and it becomes a case of borderline verbal hysteria. Not an attack on her, just a comment on the way I perceive her. On the other hand, the guy V is a somewhat divorced from his emotions and doesn't seem to know how to handle it well. P unleashes her verbal hysteria, V doesn't know how to receive it and honor her emotions, and he shuts down and lashes out. And of course that just makes things worse. But I don't know for sure. I've only talked to P, and not to V yet. I'd be interested in seeing his point of view, and perhaps helpng them create a safe space where they can vent their emotions and maybe even grow more together.

So what's up with the title Bulletproof?

It's a group of guys that are dedicated to improving themselves. It includes a bunch of guys that I am proud to call my friends, as well as a couple of guys that I am honored to call my mentors. I'm glad, almost relieved, to be a part of that group. I believe it's another step I am taking in my journey...

Monday, January 08, 2007

A Visitor in Feb

Josephine is visiting me in Feb. Awesome! I haven't seen her in... uh... a really long time!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Gentle on my Mind

I've been listening to this song over and over and over again, and the first few verses just resonate with me. And here they are, a gift from me to you, words that speak of a love that is left free to grow and is not "shackled by forgotten words and bonds". And if you listen, really really listen, to the lyrics, you'll hear a happiness between two people who have wilfully chosen to love each other.

OK, I'm in a sappy mood :)

It's knowing you don't try to buy my freedon with some promise made of gold
That for you my door stays open and our love becomes a simple two way street
And it's knowing we're not shackled by forgotten words and bonds,
And the ink stains that have dried upon some line
That keeps you on the backroads by the rivers of my memories
That keeps you ever gentle on my mind
(Tammy Wynette)

It's knowing that your door is always open and your path is free to walk
That makes me tend to leave my sleeping bag rolled up and stashed behind your couch
And it's knowing we're not shackled by forgotten words and bonds,
And the ink stains that have dried upon some line
That keeps you on the backroads by the rivers of my memories
That keeps you ever gentle on my mind
(Glenn Campbell)

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Cool photo album

I've been playing around with Picasa Web Album a little lately and I'm very impressed by it, especially when you use Internet Explorer.

  • You can upload any number of files using IE
  • Setup, creation, and maintainence of photo albums was a piece of cake

  • The mass upload thingy doesn't work with Firefox, and since I use Firefox most of the time, it's a little bit of a bummer.
  • Unable to create heirachical albums (ie albums within albums)
  • Comments are all squished onto one single line, so you can't do multiline or otherwise formatted comments
  • Only 250 MB of space?! Come on... Even gmail has almost 3 Gigs! Hopefully they'll up the quota or perhaps allow sharing of space between your various google services.