Picking cherries from a cherry tree and then having a picnic on Ah Ma's birthday. I don't remember much, but I do remember sitting on a bench in the shade, and looking at a basketful of cherries, freshly picked off the tree. I remember feeling very happy.
We went to some playground. There was a flying fox. I remember Alwyn went on it, and for some reason, I guess he didn't hold tight enough, and at the end of the ride, he just fell off, fell on his chest, and got the living crap knocked out of him. I remember laughing at him, but Uncle Warren told me to stop laughing cos Alwyn didn't like people to laugh at him. I think Alwyn just picked himself up, whined a little and was back to normal even though we left the playground soon after.
And then there's the part where Alwyn was talking to his friends in German. I asked him what he said and he said that he told them that I was a karate expert and I would beat them up. I don't really remember what he really said to them though. Not that it matters.
I vaguely remember the Parisian traffic, and being somewhat nervous cos all the cars were all banged up. And then we stopped somewhere in the middle of Paris, and dad went to try to change some US dollars (or was it UK pounds?) to francs and didn't really get very far cos nobody wanted to change money.
I remember playing a (badly conceived) prank on Judith. We were jumping on a pillow, and when Judith jumped, for some stupid reason, I pulled the pillow away from under her, and she landed on the hard floor. OUCH! Sorry Judith. But I swear it seemed like a fun idea at that time! :)
And there was that small incident where I was playing in Auntie Annie's garden and somehow managed to break a branch off Auntie Annie's precious rose bushes. I think I got away with hiding the broken branch behind another rose bush. Or maybe she just didn't make a big deal out of it.
Patricia... Ka Ka Bum... She liked apples... I don't even remember how the nickname came about. But I do remember her liking apples. I wonder Pat, do you still like apples?
Good times... Great memories...
flying fox? yeah i VAGUELY remember something like that...the playground was near my place, except i think it wasn't the most efficient of 'foxes'...you sure i was whining and didn't just rip thae damn thing apart?? well, ok.. ;>)
Yup, to me too that was one of the best vacations of my life. "Ka Ka" means excretion, and when Pat excretes in her nappies, Annie would say "Ka Ka Bum" meaning there is excretion in her nappies thus soiling her "bum" - Pat did it so often that the term got stuck.
Your dad wanted to change USD into francs, but nobody wanted USD (and he couldn't understand why). In the end, we had to change deutschmarks into francs. Then there was the time when we needed to put in gas quite urgently, and we couldn't find a gas station for miles, and it scared the shit out of people (especially Ah Ma). Finally we found one, and it wasn't the multi-pump gas stations like those in Malaysia and Singapore; it was just one pump by the road side. And everywhere we went, we were looking for Chinese food (rice, beef, chicken, pork) until we got so stuffed with it that we couldn't face another Chinese meal. And was it Joanne who got stung by some poison ivy during a rest stop, and when we were coming down from Neuschwanstein castle (Bavaria), you guys thought you were being smart by riding a horse cart, until the horse started shitting right in front of your noses.
Hmm, don't remember too much of the trip, must have been a little too young. But I do remember eating a LOT of the cherries that we picked even though mom told me they weren't ripe (was that why nobody was eating them?). But they tasted good to me, and as far as I remember, I never got any tummy ache.
I don't remember the poison ivy bit, though.
Yeah Jo, you were only 7 years old! Still pretty darn young. I vaguely remember someone getting stung by poison ivy, and I think it was me. That sounds like the kind of trouble I'd get myself into, doesn't it?
Anyone else have memories of that holiday? Chime in!
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