Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Shoe Confusion

Thinking of buying a new pair of black leathers to replace my overworn pair. Without further ado, here are the contenders. Tell me what you think.
Bacco Bucci - Orlando

Stacy Adams - Montero

Mezlan - Escalade

Mezlan - Parana

Rockport Craigshill


Anonymous said...

You know my take on this! :D

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I personally like the Parana one, but then again, I like classic styles... :))

Anonymous said...

The Montero is cool...

Anonymous said...

My vote goes to . . Parana. Only problem is you have to tie and untie the laces each time and that can be a hassle.

Bruce said...

Escalade or Craigshill. Orlando is too perforated, and the rest have too many seams. Try both Escalade and Craigshill on, and reduce it to a balancing test between price and comfort.