[1521] MP: nope. we're watching football. i brought bagels hours ago
[1521] MP: were you looking to go somewhere?
[1522] DL: Togos
[1522] MP: do you want to bing it here or eat there?
[1523] DL: I kinda wanted to eat outdoor. It's a beautiful day out there.
[1523] DL: I was thinking of getting a sandwich and sitting at the park off Kiely
[1523] MP: the one acoss from the hospital?
[1524] DL: Yep
[1524] MP: when did you want to go...
[1524] DL: once i brush my teeth and get changed
[1524] DL: probably 5-10 min or so
[1525] MP: will you get sandwiches for all of us?
[1526] DL: Not a problem
[1526] DL: Place your orders here :)_
[1527] MP: Paul wants a regular albacore tuna sandwich. I would like oriental chicken salad.
[1527] MP: we'll bring our own drinks
[1527] MP: do you want us to bring you something to drink?
[1527] DL: Nah, I'm good
[1528] DL: I'll leave home in abt 10 min
[1528] MP: so about 20 minutes?
[1529] DL: sounds good
And just like that, we had a picnic in the park. I brought my (very sandy) groundsheet, a bottle of Tejava tea (incidentally, that's some awesome stuff right there!) and got the sandwiches from Togo's. It was a nice sunny day, so I took off my tshirt and sunbathed for a bit. Ate sandwiches. Drank tea. Talk shit. Took photos. Great way to spend a lazy Sunday.
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