Monday, July 11, 2005

Reconnecting with old times

I haven't seen Lester in years. I think the last time I saw him was in... oh... 1992? 93? Well, after relentlessly searching google for quite a long time (as in since 2000 or so), I finally found an ICQ number that might belong to him. I added that ICQ number to my buddy list, and started hoping he would turn up online.

I waited.
And waited.
He never showed up online.

Tonight, I was going to bed when I decided to check my email one last time before hitting the sack. And there, on my ICQ list, was his name. Immediately, I messaged him:

[0249] DL: hello, anyone home?
[0253] LC: who is this?
[0253] DL: Derek. Are you from Catholic High?
[0253] DL: Or rather, were you...?
[0254] LC: omg u managed to find me!!!!
[0254] DL: OMFG
[0254] LC: so mr lau
[0254] DL: You don't know how long I have tried to find you!
[0254] LC: omfg indeed

Amazing... Simply fucking amazing. I haven't talked to him for a decade. I... I can hardly believe it.


Anonymous said...

hey, i know lester too! i remember he slept over that time you were still in Green Meadows.

Derek L. said...

Yep, that would be him. Wow, you have a good memory!