Thursday, June 23, 2005

Anime review - Trinity Blood

The premise sounds good - Church vs Vampires vs Order of the Rose Cross (secret society thingy). Throw in a couple of pretty damn cool characters - Nightroad is a uber-vampire who preys on other vampires with his huge blood red scythe, and Gunslinger is a human looking robot who wields a kickass pair of (guess what) handguns as his main weapon. Sounds good right? Shades of Hellsing even!

I'm totally psyched to watch it!

A few hours later... Nope, it totally fails to deliver the goods. The pace is too slow and the characters seem to lack any sort of attachment to each other. In Hellsing, there were obvious bonds of some kind (the unexplored kind actually) between Alucard and Walter or Sara. Not really present in Trinity Blood. Sure, the two main characters are super cool and have some awesome art, but the rest of the anime just fails to support their coolness factor.

Pity... I was really hoping for some kind of Hellsing. I'll keep searching...


Anonymous said...

I totally disagree with you.I think Trinity Blood is great. Trinity Blood is doing something called character development which I think Hellsing failed to do.

Anonymous said...

Where exactly is there character development in Trinity Blood?

Anonymous said...

Yes I to want to know.

Anonymous said...

Quite a bit of development, unlike most of the crappy animes out there too concentrated on being cheesy and riff with useless humor. This anime has a sense of sofistication you don't see in many animes, and the characters have been done masterfully. I would have liked to have seen more episodes. I think 24 was just far too short for the plotline they had been developing throughout the story. Also the anime doesn't follow the same lines the manga and novels do; however, despite that, this is quite a good anime.

And-- what? No one's said anything about the music? Well, personally, I really love the music of this anime. Even the intro music is pretty cool and that's big considering most intro music for animes suck horribly and I end up feeling like baking my TV in the microwave (if only I could fit it there *sigh*). Anyway, Trinity Blood didn't give me that feel and I actually, omg, liked it.

Anyway, watch Trinity Blood. It's worth it.