Monday, March 21, 2005

Poor man's movie syndication

The Problem:
I've had an itch to scratch since Friday, when I went to the movies with Bruce, Ida, Cristine and Paul. We were having dinner when we decided to watch a movie, and I had to call 777-FILM to get the latest showtimes. Now, there's nothing wrong with using the phone to get showtimes, except that is SO PRE-RSS! You'd think that in this age of web content syndication, there'd be a web page out there that could get me a simple list of movie showtimes and sync them onto my PocketPC. But noooooo... There isn't. Well, actually there kinda is, since AvantGo does that, but I personally don't like AvantGo for various reasons, mainly because it requires that a website register with them and they use proprietary technology to syndicate content (ie not RSS and not Atom).

The Solution:
Like any enterprising engineer, I decided to write my own. The output is just plain simple text, and it looks something like this:
AMC Mercado 20 - 408-871-2AMC
3111 Mission College Blvd., Santa Clara, CA, 95054

Aviator, The - 9:50
Be Cool - 1:35, 2:40, 4:35, 7:20, 8:25, 10:10
Constantine - 1:25, 4:20, 10:15

I direct the output file to a directory on my PocketPC's My Documents folder, which in turn is automatically kept in sync via ActiveSync. The result is that I have a pretty darned up-to-date movie listing for all the theatres I ever care about, as long as I remember to sync my PocketPC.

It doesn't produce Atom/RSS output, but more than meets my for current requirements. I am now one happy camper. At least until my next itch surfaces.

1 comment:

Bruce said...

Wow, what a nerd!