Friday, March 25, 2005

My 2 cents on Terri Schiavo

Poor girl, denied the dignity of a peaceful death. In the court battle of parents vs husband, ultimately, she was at the losing end. Whoever won, she would have lost.

Me, if I'm ever in a state when I am unable to taste my own life, please put me out of my misery. Don't let me linger in a coma for years on end, strapped up in tubes, plugged in to more electrical wires than most computers.

That's not a life. That's just a prolonged death sentence.

Someone mentioned over lunch that sticking a feeding tube into someone for the sole purpose of keeping them alive was more for to assauge any feelings of guilt than any real attempt at hope, so they can say "I've tried my best to keep her alive". I kinda-sorta agree.

Poor Terri. Rest in peace.


Bruce said...

She wasn't in a coma, but her brain was damaged. It's sad that it took 15 years to get it resolved, but she's probably in a better place now. Looks like Pope John Paul II is next.

Derek L. said...

"Don't let me linger in a coma" sounded better than "don't let me linger in a persistent vegetative state induced by the collapse of my cerebral cortex".

Bruce said...

That's why people get living wills. I was bingo on the Pope, though. RIP.