Sunday, March 20, 2005

Mr Gummy Residue, meet your nemesis!

I recently bought a new set of plates and dishes and whatnot. There was a little manufacturer's logo sticker thing on each plate that was stuck to the plate using some kind of double sided sticky tape. When I peeled off the logo-sticker, the sticky tape left a gummy residue on my plates. You know how it's like. Among other things, it is very irritating and usually a pain the butt to remove.

I tried using soaking the plates in warm water and then using a cloth to scrub it off, but the gummy stuff just refused to budge. OK, fine... Mr Gummy Residue, I've tried to play nice, but if you're going to be like that, I'm not gonna be Mr Niceguy no more.

Enter Simple Green, slayer of stains and all other manner of unwelcome household presences.

Awesome stuff. Squirt a little on the gummy stain, let it soak for a minute, then you simply use your fingertip (don't even need to use your fingernail!) to rub off the ex-tough-guy Mr Gummy Residue. Rinse off with warm water, and wipe dry.

Simple Green rules.

[ Cross posted on WILT ]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I think I need some of that! I just hate it when those gummy stuff sticks to plastic or glass or whatever...arrgh. And usually, even dish washing liquid doesn't get it off.. so I have to scrub like crazy. Maybe I should get u to bring me some of that green stuff next time! ;) (Rosalind)