Wednesday, March 16, 2005

The Da Vinci Code - The Vatican Strikes Back

The Vatican slams the Da Vinci Code in no uncertain terms. Among the quote-worthy statements uttered by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone:
Don't buy this. Don't read this because this is rotten food
A lot of novels do good but this book is rotten food ... it does harm, not good

Incidentally, this is a BIG DEAL coming from the Vatican because Cardinal Bertone is the Archbishop of Genova, and was also the Secretary of Doctrine of the Faith, arguably the most influential group in the Vatican.

Wouldn't it be nice if everyone could just accept that the book is just fantasy?

But you know what? My hat's off to Dan Brown for being to write such an enjoyable novel and at the same time stir up so much controversy!


Bruce said...

Yah, I even got the illustrated version! :OD

fishtail said...

That book has been on Malaysia's Top Ten list even before Nicky Boy was born! And it's still occupying the top position.

Anonymous said...

hey guys! There will be an open forum on Da Vinci Code in my church on 20 Aug (Sat) about 8pm.

Check it out:

Pls feel free to inform any non-Christian frens who enjoy knowing more abt the fact/fiction behind the novel. Hedonese