Sunday, February 20, 2005

Gutter ball

It wasn't an auspicious start.

My first ball sliced three pins (4,7,8) and my second ball headed straight for the gutter. At the end of the first game, I narrowly scraped past 100 (120-ish?). My ball was going left and right... Anywhere but straight. I couldn't aim to save my life. I couldn't convert spares. Basically, I sucked.

My second game saw me play a lot more consistently. I had several strikes and made a few spares. I ended that game with 156.

I really need to go buy a new bowling ball to replace the one that broke so many years ago, back when I was living at Doxey Court (when was that? 1998?). I think it was a 12 pound Columbia 300. It was grey I believe.

When I lived in Singapore, Dad, Mum, Jo and I used to go bowling almost every weekend at Hougang bowl. We had our own ball and shoes. When I came here to the States for college, I even brought my ball.

Well, I've been trying to lead a more active lifestyle, so maybe bowling would be a nice fit? Yeah, it will be nice to buy a ball and pick up bowling again.


fishtail said...

Try scrabbles; you won't have a bowling ball falling on your toes.

Derek L. said...

True, but it's considered bad form to throw stuff when you're playing scrabble ain't it?