Monday, February 07, 2005

Cellphone viruses, just like on a desktop PC

Reuters had a story today about cellphone viruses. Basically, the idea is that using a bluetooth or wireless internet connection, an attacker could send bad code to you, resulting in a virus infection.

I think basic security measures should be more than sufficient, at this point, to take care of things. Disable bluetooth/wi-fi until you need it. Don't automatically accept connections from remote devices. Be sure you know who is connecting to you and vice versa.

For now, simple security measures will suffice. A few years down the road, we'll start seeing more apps that rely on a steady internet connection, much like what we're seeing now on desktops. When that happens, well, I'm sure we'll get to install cutting edge anti-virus programs on our cellphones.

Just like on a desktop PC.

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