My buddy and I went to the Cat Club in SF. It's 80s party night. I don't usually go to 80s clubs, but I'll try anything once, and most things twice. I was in one of those moods. Good mood. Great mood even. Very playful mood. Red long sleeved V neck. Black jeans. Knee length leather jacket. Spiked and sprayed a little blue in my hair. My buddy Jenn picked me up at my place. I was a little late, so he just hung out in my room while I dolled up. He was watching a new DVD he just bought - Baise Moi (bonus points if you've watched it or heard of it).
So anyway, we eventually got on the road. Well, kind of. Two minutes after leaving my place, he said he wants coffee but he's too cheap to spend on a Starbuck's and he doesn't want crappy gas station coffee. Like I said, I was in a great mood, so I told him I'd treat. The gal working at the neighbourhood Starbucks knows us. The conversation goes like this:
Jenn: Hey.
Her: Hey.
*She scribbles XHWCM on a cup and then looks at me*
Me: Same thing.
I love it. She scribbles XHWCM (bonus point for knowing what that means) on two cups, we pay, get our coffee and leave.
Fast forward to the club. I've been dancing for an hour. This girl dancing next to me is swinging her arms like a windmill and her hand whacks me in the face. She turns to me, leans over and yell "I'm so sorry".
Me: How sorry is that?
Her: Extreeeemely sorry
Me: Not good enough!
She holds my hand, kneels down, and starts kissing my fingers. Her friend sees her doing that, probably thinks she's giving me a blowjob or something, has this absolutely horrified stricken look on her face, grabs her and pulls her away. At this point, I crack up so bad that I am kneeling down clutching my sides. That face was absolutely to die for.
Fast forward again. It's 2am. We're heading home. Only problem, our car is parked probably 3 or 4 blocks away, and it's absolutely pouring. I'm not talking about pouring here. I'm talking POURING. So we run. And run. And run. And it's not easy to run in boots. Boots aren't meant for running. However, it does seem that boots are meant to retain water. My feet felt like they were in a fish tank.
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