It's been a rocking and rolling last four weeks. Not much in the way of fun. It's been a crazy roller coaster ride. Super intense. Super hectic. At times, I wonder if I'm just spinning my wheels and running around in circles like a chicken with its head cut off.
But no... We (ie the entire Social Savant team) rocked last weekend. We rocked tonight. We. R.O.C.K!
Last week, we bootcamped BK. We pulled out ALL the stops for him. We pulled out some new stuff that we'd talked about but never fully field tested. We tried ideas that came out of nowhere. The plus side of this was that we were swimming in uncharted waters, as far as a boot camp was concerned. The minus side of this was that we were making things up as we got along. Plans were made, then broken, then fixed, then changed, then re-made. Hiccups appeared out of nowhere. I got blindsided but the unexpected at least twice.
But in the end, everything worked out (relatively) well and BK had an awesome experience. And that's what really matters. We wanted to rock his world, and I believe that we did. SCORE BABY!!
Tonight, we held our first ever seminar. It was more than sold out. We had planned for 12 people. We had 13 sign ups. Even more important than that, one of the participants was so excited about the seminar that he posted a rocking review of it immediately when he got home. Dennis and I read the review together. He grinned. I whooped "YEAH! WE KICK ASS!".
So here it is. A public acknowledgement to my boys who made tonight happen - Dennis, Vince, Scott, Erik, and Matt. You guys rocked the house like none other. The atmosphere was turbocharged after we finished speaking. The students LOVED us. You guys seriously rock.
And to the other folks who helped out with the production - Mandeep, Valley, and Amy. There's no way in hell we could have made it through tonight without you guys pitching in and helping with the chairs, the collating, the registration, the support. Wow. You guys are truly the unrecognized driving force behind the presentation!
And now what?
Well, I still have a few clients in the pipeline that I need to work on. I'm going to take a break this weekend, and then get back to the grind on Monday. At least that's what I'm saying now. Knowing life, I'm probably going to be back working with clients tomorrow...
What a life!