Thursday, July 29, 2004

Why write?

I write crap about whatever I feel like. Stuff I see. Stuff I feel. And especially, I write as an emotional release. It also serves as a way for me to remember my past, those fleeting slices of time that mean so much but are often so easily forgotten.

Email blog?

This is the first time I'm emailing a blog. Test. Test. Test. If you can see this, then obviously the email thingy works. How cool is that.


In case you haven't noticed, I'm importing all my diary entries from my previous blogging website into, so that's why there's so much "old news" from way back when. Brownie points for you if you recognize where the title comes from... *grin*

Revisiting old wounds

Two years since Ah Ma left us. Funny how time flies so quickly. Blink an eye, and two years have passed. I can still remember that night quite clearly, but I somehow feel very far removed from the actual happenings. It's as if I am remembering a movie that I watched or a book that I read. It feels so far, yet so near. I can still replay parts of that night in my head.

Hey Ah Ma, how are you? Still haven't gotten any email from you yet. I guess they don't have email in heaven, or maybe you haven't figured out how to use a computer yet. Or maybe (and I strongly suspect this is the real reason), you're just too busy hooking up with Ah Yeh and all your long lost mahjong kaki. Ah well, I hope you're enjoying your post-retirement retirement. You've earned it.

Talking shit

The story for today revolves around a barbeque of leftover meat, and a long torturous love/hate affair with the toilet bowl the next morning. Feel free to use your imagination. Need a hint? Have you ever pooped so bad that you felt faintish? Well, that was me. And the poop wasn't the solid kind that goes "plop" into the murky depths of the toilet. Hell no. It was the liquid anal vomit that goes err... well, however liquid anal vomit sounds like. You get the picture.

Friday, July 23, 2004

Eye Level

This is kinda weird. My floor level of my cube is several feet below actual ground level. Don't ask me, I didn't design the place. But what's really weird is that when I look the window, I can see squirrels AT EYE LEVEL. And if I were to lay my head on my desk (as I'm prone to doing after lunch), I can almost imagine that the squirrels are staring me in the eye. Now how disconcerting is that...

Expired fingerprints

I got a notice from the INS (or BCIS as they call themselves now). Basically, I have to go into one of the INS offices to get my fingerprints taken AGAIN. According to the INS, my fingerprints have "expired". How the heck can fingerprints "expire"? Did I get new fingerprints? Am I totally in the dark about how, over time, your fingerprints somehow morph into something different?

Thursday, July 22, 2004

New job

Oh boy, new job. Again. Same old ClearCase stuff, but now I'm working in IBM at the Silicon Valley Labs site. Some 3000 developers live eat breathe and sleep in this complex. Very mind boggling. There's a virtual ecosystem here, complete with predators all the way down to microscopic single cell organisms (such as myself).

My single cell's sole purpose in life is to... Well, I'm trying to figure that part out as I go. The team looks like a mixed bunch to me. Some strong players, some mediocre stiffs, and everything in between. I wonder where I fit...